As an increasing number of individuals and businesses are operating online and through computer systems, IT and cyber crimes have seen a rise in both frequency and severity. This development has created unique legal issues and we realise that the number of cases involving computer crimes will only see a growth in the coming years.
At R.L.Datt & Co., we have a prominent IT & Cyber Crimes Practice and our advocates are well-equipped to contend with the various complex facets of such criminal matters.
The firm has expertise in complete range of matters related to Information Technology sector. We deal in software protection & licensing, data protection, domain names dispute resolution, technology transfer and technical assistance agreements, credit card frauds etc. We advise our clients on cyber laws, Indian Information Technology laws, data protection, IP protection, e-commerce, etc.
The firm well versed with the cyber laws, information technology laws, and data protection laws in India. We deal in software licensing, development and support and website development agreements.
R.L.Dutt & Co. assists IT companies in protecting their intellectual property and information technology-related compliance and taxation issues. We represent our clients in the tribunals, High Courts and the Supreme Court in matters of infringement of intellectual property rights and disputes relating to contracts and domain names. We have significant experience in advising our clients in establishing strategic alliances between suppliers and buyers in India and abroad. We also deal in cyber law and handle cases like internet fraud, hacking, privacy and security related issues etc.
The firm is capable of handling any type of cyber crime.